Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair
  • Mireille Régnier

    • SeqBio 2015

    • NGS day at Inria

Member of the organizing committees
  • Yann Ponty

    • SeqBio 2015

Scientific events selection

Chair of conference program committees

Mireille Régnier acted as chair of the program committee for the SeqBio 2015 workshop (Orsay, France).

Member of the conference program committees
  • Yann Ponty

    • ISMB/ECCB 2015

    • WABI 2015

    • BioVis 2015

    • BiCOB 2015

    • SeqBio 2015

  • Mireille Régnier

    • SeqBio 2015

    • MCCMB 2015


Y. Ponty acted as an external reviewer for the ACM-SIGMOD 2015 conference.


Member of the editorial boards

M. Régnier is an editor of PeerJ Computer Science.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

M. Régnier and Y. Ponty reviewed manuscripts for a large selection of journals in Mathematics, Computer Science and Bioinformatics: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Mathematical Biology, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, PLOS One, Journal of Theoretical Biology, RNA, Nucleic Acids Research...

Invited talks

  • Y. Ponty:

    • Keynote address at the bi-annual the Canadian Discrete Applied Mathematics (CanaDAM'15) meeting held at the university of Saskatoon (Canada);

    • Invited talk at the Benasque RNA triannual meeting (Spain);

    • Invited talk at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (Columbus, Ohio) during the Geometric and Topological Modeling of Biomolecules workshop;

    • Invited talk at the bi-annual meeting of the CNRS GDR BIM at Institut Pasteur, Paris.

  • M. Régnier

    • Invited talk at Sydney University (Australia).

Leadership within the scientific community

  • Y. Ponty is scientific animator (2014-2018) of the Structure and interactions of macromolecules axis of the CNRS research group in molecular bioinformatics (GdR BIM);

  • Y. Ponty and M. Régnier are active members of the Comatege and the Alea working group http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~josuatv/webalea/ of the CNRS research group in Mathematical Computer Science (GDR IM) https://www.gdr-im.fr/ .

Scientific expertise

  • Y. Ponty is a member of the `Comité National' (hiring/evaluation committee) of CNRS in computer science (section 6) and Maths/Physics/Computer Science interfaces with life science (CID 51); he acted as an external expert for the Emergence program of Ville de Paris

  • M. Régnier is a member of Digiteo progam Committee and SDV working group in Saclay area.

Research administration

M. Regnier participates to the Conseil de laboratoire of LIX as head of the AMIB team.

Y. Ponty is an elected member of the comité national du CNRS, and takes part in the evaluation of CNRS research scientists and structures at a national level in Computer Science (Section 6) and Life Science interfaces (CID 51).